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null APP Prioritize Safety and Protection for All Employees

APP Prioritize Safety and Protection for All Employees


While many APP employees are working from home during this unprecedented time – APP mills and Forestry are still operational.  Critical to keeping APP operations safe and secure are APP security staff who work very closely with the Mills and Forestry Health and Safety Departments. 
HSE team has been provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) along with instructions on how to use it to the APP mills and forestry employees. They have communicated it to The Mills and Forestry to follow the APP Protocol on good hygiene practice (usage of hand sanitizer, washing hands, and keep physical/social distance in dealing with people). They also ensure the implementation of hygiene protocols focused on keeping the workstation clean as well as temperatures checked to all employees and contractors that enter the mills. 
APP security staff also ensures that the Mills and Forestry supply chain operation during this pandemic. Although the coronavirus pandemic (COVID -19) is the most challenging situation that many security,  health, and safety staff have faced in their careers, they are all committed to protecting APP during this challenging time. 
Commemorate the World day for Safety and Health at work on 28 April 2020, Together we can stop the COVID-19 Pandemic. Each of us plays an important role to fight this pandemic. Let’s maintain our health and personal hygiene for the safety of APP Sinar Mas.
#Weareinthistogether #WeareAPP #Fightcovid19

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