As we are approaching the end of 2020, the pandemic has not yet ended. In Indonesia, family is a new cluster of COVID-19 case that was found in big cities such as Bekasi, Bogor, Jogjakarta, Semarang and Malang. It even predicted 85% of positive cases in Indonesia.
With the new finding, we need to pay attention to few things :
1. Based on official website, We need to be more careful if one of our office mates or family is positive with COVID-19. the entire office team or family is required to conduct PCR tests. . . While the person suspected with COVID-19 needs to conduct self-isolation awaits the test result. Maintain strict health protocols when receiving guests in home or office. Continue to wear masks, washing hands, and social distancing.
2. Avoid traveling to public places or even traveling to another city or countries, especially during the long weekend. Several cases in Indonesia occur after people were traveling to tourist spots.
3. Write down your travel history and contact. It will be handy in case the data needed to track potential COVID-19 transmission.
Together we can fight COVID-19 with strict health protocols, continue using masks during outside activities, wash your hands and social distancing. Stay at home for your loved ones.