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null APP Group Activity Recap in June 2024

APP Group Activity Recap in June 2024

1. PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper (IKPP) – Serang Mill and Kodim 0602/Serang Hand Over Rutilahu Program House to Warakawuri

PT IKPP – Serang Mill, together with Kodim 0602/Serang, handed over a House for Uninhabitable Homes (Rutilahu) assistance to Kartini, an approximately 80-year-old TNI Warakawuri, in Cipare Village, Serang District, Serang City, Banten Province on June 18, 2024. Colonel Inf. Mulyo Junaidi, Commander of Kodim 0602/Serang, stated that the Rutilahu program is a collaboration with PT IKPP – Serang Mill, which has helped many people in Kragilan. The event was attended by Public Affairs Manager of PT IKPP – Serang Mill, M. Arif Mahdali, Commander of Koramil 0602-01/Serang City, Captain Inf. Yusrizal, and other local officials. Kartini expressed her gratitude to PT IKPP – Serang Mill and Kodim 0602/Serang for the habitable house assistance she received.

2. IKPP – Tangerang Mill Fostered Farmer Groups Train in Seedling at Purwakarta

The farmer groups (Poktan) fostered by PT IKPP – Tangerang Mill visited PT East West Seed Indonesia in Purwakarta, West Java, on June 19, 2024, facilitated by Koperasi Bina Indah Lestari. The visit aimed at seedling training to broaden the knowledge and understanding of Poktan members. A total of 40 members participated in the training and observed the urban farming center of PT East West Seed Indonesia. Lily Yulianingsih, Public Affairs of PT IKPP – Tangerang Mill, explained that the purpose of the visit was to learn good urban farming techniques. Lily hopes that the Poktan members can implement the knowledge gained in their farming. Haidir, Chairman of Koperasi Bina Indah Lestari, expressed his gratitude to IKPP – Tangerang Mill for organizing this much-anticipated tour for Poktan members throughout Tangsel.

3. PT IKPP – Tangerang Mill Distributes Al Quran Waqf for Students

At the XII Festival Anak Saleh Indonesia (FASI), PT IKPP – Tangerang Mill donated 300 copies of the Al Quran at Al Istiqomah Mosque, Cempaka Putih, East Ciputat, Tangsel on June 23, 2024. Kholisul Fatikhin, Head of Sustainability PT IKPP – Tangerang Mill, stated that this waqf is an annual activity carried out in collaboration with LPPTKA BKPRMI. Nahadi Saputra, Regional Director of LPPTKA BKPRMI, appreciated the donation and hoped the cooperation would continue. Tangsel Deputy Mayor, Pilar Saga Ichsan, also expressed his appreciation and emphasized the importance of religious education for children's morals. This activity is expected to create a generation of morally noble Qur’ani.

4. Sustainable CSR Initiative Program of PT OKI Pulp & Paper Mills in Air Sugihan District

PT OKI Pulp & Paper Mills supports a comparative study activity for developing the capacity of village government and TP PKK Desa in Air Sugihan District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, by organizing a program in Sumber Agung Village, Bandar Lampung, on June 21-24, 2024. This program involved 19 village heads and 19 TP PKK members, as well as district teams, who studied the development of SMEs, women farmer groups, and ECO printing innovations. Padli, Chairman of the Air Sugihan Village Head Forum, and Ardhiles, Air Sugihan Sub-District Head, emphasized the benefits and importance of synergy between companies and village governments for village progress. Public Affairs Manager of PT OKI, Gadang H. Hartawan, stated the company's commitment to continue providing positive impacts through sustainable CSR programs.

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