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null APP Sinar Mas CSR Update

APP Sinar Mas CSR Update

Mangrove seed plantation by Tzu Chi Sinar Mas

In commemoration of Environment Month, volunteers from Tzu Chi Sinar Mas Foundation Serpong 2 area planted 10.000 mangrove seeds at Tangerang Mangrove Center, Banten. This is the third year of the mangrove seed plantation has held and now about 30.000 seeds has planted in the area. The program themed ‘Bersatu Hati Menjaga Bumi #TanamTumbuhSayangi’ that symbolized the effort from Tzu Chi Sinar Mas in taking care of the mother earth.


Chili and tomato harvesting from DMPA in East Kalimantan

The community of farmers named Sumber Rezeki as one of the members of the Desa Makmur Peduli Api (DMPA) from APP Sinar Mas supplier partner PT Surya Hutani Jaya, harvested 3,5 tons of tomatoes and 1,1 tons chili worth of 57 million rupiahs. Through this DMPA program, these community members who came from Manunggal Daya Village, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur had been cultivating chili, tomato, cucumber, and watermelon since 2018. This DMPA program aims to increase livelihoods and encourage the community how to practice agroforestry to create environmentally sustainable living and prevent land and forest fire (karhutla).


Hydroponic training in Tangerang

PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tangerang through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program conducted the third batch of hydroponic plantation training in collaboration with Serua Farm Depok. This event was Dozens of locals from Serpong areas enthusiastically welcomed by locals from Serpong areas. This training aimed to introduce the locals to start hydroponic gardening as well as to increase their incomes. This CSR program has proved to be beneficial for the community at RW12 Pakualam which success to develop 2,000 biopore holes.


Lost baby honey bear rescued in South Sumatra

The patrol team from PT Sebangun Bumi Andalas, one of the supplier chain of APP Sinar Mas, rescued a baby honey bear that lost in protected area and gave it to the Agency for Conservation of Natural Resources (BKSDA) South Sumatra. This action was recognized by the Forestry Service of the South Sumatra Province.


Donation of 145 goats for OKI residents

PT Bumi Andalas Permai (PT BAP), one for the Industrial Forest (HTI) from Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra, donated 145 goats to nine villages as an effort to empower the community living near the plantation area. This donation is a part of the DMPA program that aims to improve livelihoods. The locals would take turns breeding the goat so that they could take equal benefits from this program. PT BAP in collaboration with the local social commission officer helped to ensure the enforcement of routine vaccination, provided advisory in maintaining the breeds, and assisted the cages making.

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