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null 100 Years of Eka Tjipta Widjaja: The Spirit of Togetherness from Sinar Mas East Java Region Association

100 Years of Eka Tjipta Widjaja: The Spirit of Togetherness from Sinar Mas East Java Region Association

Sinar Mas Java Region Association held a virtual conference remembering ‘100 Years of Eka Tjipta Widjaja’ as a Sinar Mas group founder. This conference was attended by the members of the association and several leaders from the headquarters office. The leaders shared inspiring messages about how to never give up and to keep on collaborating.

Managing Director Sinar Mas Ferry Salman said that 'Never Give Up' is the right message that needs to convey to all Sinar Mas employees to tackle this pandemic. He hoped this event could be a reminder to keep up the spirit for all to always contribute to the maximum. “One of the quotes from our beloved Mr. Eka said, that the joy of being able to do something for people is incomparable. So, I hope after this everyone can remember those spirits to keep striving and giving your very best to others,” said Ferry.

Another key message was about collaboration and support from each pillar. President Director of PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk as well as Director of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas, Suhendra Wiriadinata gave his full appreciation for this event and hoped the similar activity in other cities as well. “We need to keep in mind our Sinar Mas values so that we can stand strong and contribute to our people and country. Teamwork, collaboration, and communication among pillars are important for us to do our best for Sinar Mas,” he explained.

Saleh Husein as the Managing Director of Sinar Mas agreed that he also fully supports the growth of all Sinar Mas associations. “I think East Java Association is the most solid one, I knew it because I often visited them long ago before the pandemic. I hope every association can take part in delivering good news or any other substantial information more clearly to all,” he stated. Saleh also wanted everyone in Sinar Mas could inherit the great spirit of togetherness for them to be strong and handle every circumstance. 

In his remarks, Sinar Mas East Java Association Leader Sasongko Adiwododo said that good synergy and commitment to maintaining each other pillar is fundamental for all. He hoped this event can bring up the fighting spirit as Eka Tjipta Widjaja always did while building Sinar Mas. “You can face any kind of difficulties if you are strong-willed and keep striving,” he said.

Sinar Mas East Java Association was established in 2010 and continues to make social contributions to the surrounding areas. A total of 19 Sinar Mas business units has joined the association making them the largest one in Indonesia.

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