Women's participation at any level is important which is also mentioned in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 5. Collaboration across sectors including government, private sectors, and social participation is needed to achieve that goal.
This is one of the topics addressed in the UN Conference of the Parties (COP) 26 agenda particularly at the ‘Gender Negotiation and Gender Mainstreaming in the Forest and Environment Management’ discussion. In this event, women from several regions shared their stories empowering women in their area through some empowerment programs.
One of them was Sofiatun member of the Woman-Farmers Group (KWT) from Sumber Sari Village, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. Sumber Sari village is part of the Desa Makmur Peduli Api (DMPA) program supervised by APP’s supplier, PT Surya Hutani Jaya. Together with the other members, Sofiatun produces catfish crisp which raw material was from farmers living in Sumber Sari Village. The packaged food product distributed in the market and beneficial to increase their household income.
“This program helps us not just to increase our knowledge on how to manage a sustainable forest, but we manage to improve our income as well. We, as housewives also proud to be a woman that is not fully dependent on our husband (for the household income),” said Sofiatun. As a member of DMPA, the housewives role is to encourage not to do open areas by burning forests.
This housewife empowerment program was also proof of the strength and effectiveness of women leaders in the community which aligned with the sustainable living principle. “I am greatly moved by the results and achievements these women have to prevent forest fires. Sofiatun and her group can collaborate with the private sector and bring benefits for better welfare,” said Hening Parlan as Manager of Stakeholder Engagement at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) closed the discussion.
APP Sinar Mas participated in COP26 with other stakeholders for a week. APP Sinar Mas shared experiences on addressing climate change. Find out all of the sessions here: https://app.co.id/-/together-for-our-planet-app-sinar-mas-highlights-at-cop-26.